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Brian Ye

Looking to make a difference


My name is Brian, and I graduated from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I majored in Computer Science in the Literature, Science, and the Arts department, and minored in Asian Languages and Culture. I currently work at Garmin as a Software Engineer 1.

My Resume

My Bridevue Mobile Application

My Developed Games

My Experience in Pi Alpha Phi

My LinkedIn Profile

About Me

When I was still in high school, I did not have a clear idea of what I wanted to do the in future. Even in college, for the first few years, I was undecided about my major, while everyone around me knew exactly what kind of field they wanted to go study. For the longest time, I took classes in a large variety of subjects, but nothing caught my interest.

It wasn’t until later when I took an introduction computer science class that I realized I loved it. I decided that I wanted to become a programmer. Already behind on schedule, I took summer classes in order to stay on top of the game and graduate on time. Though it was extremely challenging, I enjoyed every step of the way.

There are multiple areas in the field that I am interested in. Some of which includes game development, mobile application development, web developer, software developer, etc. I find it extremely blessed that I am given an opportunity to apply and work in any of these areas. I head forward with the greatest ambition. I am passionate about what I do, and I want to make a difference.